Master of Management Program in Integrated Tourism and Hospitality Management

หลักสูตรการจัดการมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการจัดการการท่องเที่ยวและบริการแบบบูรณาการ

  • Master of Management (Integrated Tourism and Hospitality Management)
  • M.M. (Integrated Tourism and Hospitality Management)
CoursesTrack A1Track A2Track B
Pre-Program SubjectsXNot less than 20 hrs. (no credit)Not less than 20 hrs. (no credit)
Foundation Subjects (weekday program only)X9 credits (no credits)9 credits (no credits)
Core SubjectsX15 credits15 credits
Major SubjectsX9 credits9 credits
Elective SubjectsXX
– Elective Prescribed Subjects6 credits
– Elective Subjects3 credits
Independent StudyXX3 credits
Thesis36 credits12 creditsX
Comprehensive ExaminationXXPaper exam
Total36 credits36 credits36 credits

Pre-Program Subjects

The subjects do not assign credits and do not count as the average score. Students must study to prepare themselves before entering the Master of Management program with a duration of not less than 20 hours.

  • TH 4000 English for Integrated Tourism and hospitality Policy, Planning and Management Studies
  • Foundation Subjects (weekday program only)

    The subjects do not assign credits and do not count as the average score. The subjects include:

  • ND 4000 Foundation for Graduate Studies
  • LC 4001 Reading Skills Development in English for Graduate Studies
  • LC 4002 Integrated English Language Skills Development
  • LC 4011 Remedial Reading Skills Development in English for Graduate Studies
  • LC 4012 Remedial Integrated English Language Skills Development
  • Remarks
    1. Conditions for studying supplementary English language courses are in accordance with the institute's announcement.
    2. The exemption to study any subject in the basic supplementary subjects is subjected to the criteria set by the institute.

    Core Subjects

  • TH 6001 Paradigm and Ethics in Tourism and Hospitality Practices
  • TH 6002 Dynamics of Tourism and Hospitality Management and Development
  • TH 6003 Innovative Tourism and Hospitality Business Planning
  • TH 6004 Sustainable Tourism Policy, Planning and Management
  • TH 6005 Research Methodology for Tourism and Hospitality
  • Major Subjects

    Integrated Tourism and Hospitality Policy, Planning and Management Prescribed to study 9 credits in Track A2 and Track B

  • TH 7101 Local Wisdom for Creative Tourism and Hospitality Development
  • TH 7102 Tourism Logistics and Value Chain Management
  • TH 7103 Tourism Economics
  • Integrated Tourism and Hospitality Management Prescribed to study 9 credits in Track A2 and Track B
  • TH 7201 Marketing Management for Tourism and Hospitality Businesses
  • TH 7202 Human Capital Development for Tourism and Hospitality Businesses
  • TH 7203 Strategic Management for Tourism and Hospitality Businesses
  • Hotel Management Prescribed to study 9 credits in Track A2 and Track B
  • TH 7301 Marketing Management for Hotel Businesses
  • TH 7302 Human Capital Development for Hotel Businesses
  • TH 7303 Strategic Management for Hotel Businesses
  • Airline and Transportation Management Prescribed to study 9 credits in Track A2 and Track B
  • TH 7401 Marketing Management for Airline and Transportation Businesses
  • TH 7402 Human Capital Development for Airline andnTransportation Businesses
  • TH 7403 Strategic Management for Airline and Transportation Businesses
  • Hospitality Management Prescribed to study 9 credits in Track A2 and Track B
  • TH 7601 Marketing Management for Hospitality Businesses
  • TH 7602 Human Capital Development for Hospitality Businesses
  • TH 7603 Strategic Management in Hospitality Businesses
  • Elective Subjects

    1. Elective Prescribed Subject for Track B (6 credits)
    1.1 Integrated Tourism and Hospitality Policy, Planning and Management

  • TH 7104 Intercultural Communications for Tourism and Hospitality
  • TH 7105 Creative Tourism and Hospitality Industry Management
  • 1.2 Integrated Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • TH 7204 Financial and Investment Planning for Tourism
  • TH 7205 Corporate Social Responsibility for Tourism and Hospitality Business Management
  • 1.3 Hotel Management
  • TH 7304 Issues and Challenges in Hotel Business Management
  • TH 7305 Yield and Revenue Management in Hotel Businesses
  • 1.4 Airline and Transportation Management
  • TH 7404 Advanced Service Quality Management in Airline and Transportation Businesses
  • TH 7405 Transportation Business Management
  • 1.5 Hospitality Management
  • TH 7604 Hospitality Organization Management
  • TH 7605 Contemporary Issue and Context in Hospitality and Service
  • ** Remarks - Elective prescribed subjects can be taken as elective subjects for students in all major fields.
    2. Elective Subjects for Track B (3 credits – 1 subject)
  • TH 7501 Risk Assessment and Crisis Management for Tourism and Hospitality Businesses
  • TH 7502 Local Resource Development for International Tourism and Hospitality Businesses
  • TH 7503 Public Service and Labor Law Issues for Tourism Industry in ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
  • TH 7504 Managing Quality of Work Life and Organizational Behavior for Tourism and Hospitality Businesses
  • TH 7505 Learning Organization and Knowledge Management for Tourism and Hospitality Businesses
  • TH 7506 Heritage Management for Tourism
  • TH 7507 Cultural Landscape Management for Tourism
  • TH 7508 Sustainability on Future Directions
  • TH 7509 Food and Beverage Strategic Operation
  • TH 7510 Room Division and Facilities Operation Management
  • TH 7511 Policy and Planning for Creative Airport Business Management
  • TH 7512 Dynamic of Cruise Tourism Management in Asia Pacific Region
  • TH 7513 Logistic and Supply Chain Management in Airline Business
  • TH 7514 Heritage Tourism Interpretation
  • TH 7515 Event and Venue Management
  • TH 7516 Financial and Investment Planning for Hotel Businesses
  • TH 7517 Airline Business Management among the World’s Changing Circumstances
  • TH 7518 Financial Management in Hospitality Businesses
  • TH 8900 Directed Studies
  • ** Remarks: Students can choose other elective subjects in their own majors or graduate level subjects of other courses within and outside GSTM. This is done in accordance with the advice of the advisor according to the faculty's designation.

    Thesis / IS

    TH 9000 Independent Study (for Track B)

  • TH 9004 Thesis (for Track A2)
  • TH 9005 Thesis (for Track A1)
  • Semester 1: August - December
    Semester 2: January - May
    Summer Semester: June - July
    Coursework Duration: 4 semesters
    2 admission intakes per years, except 1 admission intake for English program


    Integrated Tourism and Hospitality Policy, Planning and Management
    Integrated Tourism and Hospitality Management
    Hotel Management
    Airline and Transportation Management
    Hospitality Management

    Entry Requirements

    Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent in any fields that is accredited by Office of the Higher Education Commission, Thailand.
    Remarks: Additional requirements are different between the application types. Please rely on the official application announcements on

    1. Students who enter the program shall meet the following requirements in English proficiency, specified by NIDA:
    1.1 500 points in TOEFL or higher,
    1.2 5.5 points in IELTS or higher,
    1.3 Results of an English test by the Chinese government at level 6 or higher,
    1.4 Results of an English test by NIDA (NIDA TEAP) at level 550 or higher.
    2. Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent, or currently studying in the last semester of a bachelor’s degree program in any fields that is accredited by Office of the Higher Education Commission, Thailand, with a minimum GPA of 2.50.

    2.1 Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent in any fields that is accredited by Office of the Higher Education Commission, Thailand.
    2.2 Applicants must have at least 1 year working experience (counting work experience up to the opening date of the semester)
    2.3 Applicants must have a letter of recommendation from the supervisor that the applicants have working experience in the position for the period stated in the actual application.
    2.4 Applicants are able to devote time to research as specified in the course
    2.5 Applicants applying Track A1 (research-based) must have a good level of research knowledge or have at least one research work with a workload of not less than 80% or have published work in at least one academic journal with funding from a recognized agency.

    Tuition Fees

    Master’s degree (Weekday)98,500 THB *Book fee not included, **
    Master’s degree (Weekday - English Program)189,400 THB**
    Master’s degree (Weekend)177,900 THB**
    Master’s degree (Weekend – Phuket Campus)174,900 THB**
    Master’s degree Phuket English Program229,100 THB**

    *Remarks: Payment in four installments

    **Remarks: This rate is for Thai nationality