NIDA’s Scholarships
NIDA’s Postgraduate Scholarships
The National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) aims to encourage and support individuals with outstanding academic performance at bachelor's degree level/master’s degree level to pursue their master's degree education (Regular Program)/doctoral degree. NIDA is granting scholarships which are classifiable into three types as follows:
Qualifications of Applicants
1. Type 1 (Full Scholarship)
Type 1 Scholarship recipients shall be waived from tuition fees throughout the program of study. Semester allowances of 30,000 THB (semester 1 – 2) and 15,000 THB (summer semester) will be given for 2 years for Master’s Degree and 3 years for Doctoral degree. Other education support will also be provided throughout the program.
Type 2 Scholarship recipients shall be waived from tuition fees throughout the program of study.
Type 3 Scholarship recipients shall be waived 50% from tuition fee throughout the program of study.
Criteria for Scholarship and Reimbursement
1) Scholarship recipient who study Plan A2 (Coursework + Thesis) must have the following conditions;
(a) Scholarship recipients type 1 (full scholarship) must receive a cumulative GPA of not less than 3.50 in each semester to be eligible to receive the semester allowance funding. If there is any semester with a cumulative GPA below 3.50, scholarship recipient will not receive the semester allowance funding. However, if the cumulative GPA is not less than 3.30, all tuition fees will be waived. If any semester receives a cumulative GPA of less than 3.30, the scholarship will not be eligible.
(b) Scholarship recipients type 2 and 3 must receive a cumulative GPA more than 3.30. If any semester receives a cumulative GPA of less than 3.30, the scholarship will not be eligible.
2) 2) Scholarship recipient who study Plan A1 (Research based) must have the following conditions;
(a) Scholarship recipients type 1 (full scholarship) must report thesis progress certified by a thesis advisor every semester to qualify for funding. The thesis progress must meet course requirements and follow NIDA’s rules and regulations. If scholarship recipients do not report their progress, they will not be eligible for the scholarship.
(b) Scholarship recipients type2 and 3 must report thesis progress certified by a thesis advisor to qualify for funding. The thesis progress must meet course requirements and follow NIDA’s rules and regulations. If scholarship recipients do not report their progress, they will not be eligible for the scholarship.
3) The scholarship recipient will no longer be eligible to receive the scholarship immediately and if, after requesting to resign or cease to be a student, in case of being unable to graduate in accordance with NIDA's regulations. All scholarship funds received must be returned to the institution except for the educational institution administration subcommittee would be considered.
4) If the scholarship recipients request to resign or cease to be a student, in case of being unable to graduate in accordance with NIDA's regulations. All scholarship funds received must be returned to the institution except for the educational institution administration subcommittee would be considered.
5) In the event that the scholarship recipient fail to register for a particular subject in the period of time, scholarship recipients are not exempt from tuition fees in late enrolled subjects.
6) In the event that the scholarship recipient enrolls in a course other than the program's study plan, the registration fee will be waived only when the scholarship recipient receives advice from the academic advisor to register for that particular subject.
7) Scholarship recipients must work for a faculty or institution for at least 6 hours per week.
8) The recipient of this scholarship is not entitled to apply for other institutional grants except for NIDA thesis funding scholarship.
9) Scholarship recipients must be registered according to the program’s study plan. Failure to register according to the course plan must be approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Admission.
Conditions for Scholarship Recipients Type 1 (Full Scholarship)
1. Master's degree scholarship recipients must study in Plan A (thesis)
2. Scholarship recipients will be funded for semester allowances in each semester, upon enrollment in Semester 1 and Semester 2, not less than 9 credits per semester or register according to the study plan of the program. As for the summer semester, a minimum of 3 credits of enrollment is required for both Master's and Doctoral level students.
3. Scholarship recipients are waived for the comprehensive examination fee only for the first-time application.
4. The scholarship recipient will pay for the maintenance of student status fee if they exceed the scholarship period.
5. The copyright of the thesis shall be a joint copyright between the scholarship recipient and the institution for a period of 5 years. If the scholarship recipient takes any action which is an infringement of intellectual property rights or any rights, “the grantee” is solely responsible for any damage to the infringement of that right.
6. The scholarship recipient shall pay the thesis examination fee and e-thesis information system service fee.
7. Ph.D. dissertation must be published or be accepted for publication in recognized international journals ranks with external committee members to have peer review prior to publication. The international journals must comply with the criteria set by the Civil Service Commission in higher education institutions (OCSC) or The Royal Golden Jubilee (RGJ) Ph.D. Programme required excluding proceedings.
8. The master's thesis work must be published or accepted for publication in national journals listed in the TCI database (only those in group 1 and group 2), excluding proceedings.
Conditions for Scholarship Recipients Type 2 (Full Scholarship)
Master’s Degree Level
Plan A (Thesis)
The master's thesis work must be published or accepted for publication in national journals listed in the TCI database (only those in group 1 and group 2), excluding proceedings.
Plan B (Independent Study)
(1) The results presented to the academic conference with the meeting minutes (Proceedings) with external directors to screen peer review prior to publication which must be a full research article (Full Paper) that has been published successfully OR
(2) Receive an award from a competition or received an award from an academic contest. This must be a competition or a contest that has been approved by the Dean of the faculty OR
(3) Present work in an organization or community for development. This must be an organization or community that has been approved by the Dean of the faculty. The development work must also be certified by the management of the organization or the community.
Doctoral Degree Level
Ph.D. dissertation must be published or be accepted for publication in recognized international journals ranks with external committee members to have peer review prior to publication. The international journals must comply with the criteria set by the Civil Service Commission in higher education institutions (OCSC) or The Royal Golden Jubilee (RGJ) Ph.D. Programme required excluding proceedings.
Conditions for Scholarship Recipients Type 3
Master’s Degree Level
Plan A (Thesis)
The master's thesis work must be published or accepted for publication in national journals listed in the TCI database (only those in group 1 and group 2), excluding proceedings.
Plan B (Independent Study)
(1) The results presented to the academic conference with the meeting minutes (Proceedings) with external directors to screen peer review prior to publication which must be a full research article (Full Paper) that has been published successfully OR
(2) Receive an award from a competition or received an award from an academic contest. This must be a competition or a contest that has been approved by the Dean of the faculty OR
(3) Present work in an organization or community for development. This must be an organization or community that has been approved by the Dean of the faculty. The development work must also be certified by the management of the organization or the community OR
(4) The work is published in any source that is searchable.
Doctoral Degree
Ph.D. dissertation must be published or be accepted for publication in recognized international journals ranks with external committee members to have peer review prior to publication. The international journals must comply with the criteria set by the Civil Service Commission in higher education institutions (OCSC) or The Royal Golden Jubilee (RGJ) Ph.D. Programme required excluding proceedings.
Scholarship Grant Duration (count from the start of the semester that the student is registered as a student)
Master’s Degree: 2 Academic Years
Doctoral Degree: 3 Academic Years
Thesis / Dissertation Research and Publication
Qualifications of Applicants
1. Be a student in master’s degree or doctoral degree studying Plan A (Thesis)
2. Pass a thesis proposal defense exam for not more than one semester from the date of passing the examination, excluding summer semester, and certified by a thesis advisor.
Type of Scholarships
Classified by the level of the thesis into 2 types:
1. Doctoral Degree: 40,000 THB
2. Master’s Degree: 20,000 THB
Scholarship Payment
The scholarship is paid in three installments in percentages 30 : 30 : 40
1st installment: After the scholarship is approved.
2nd installment: when students report the progress of the thesis according to the project plan and have taken a final thesis defense exam
3rd installment
More Information
ทุนพัฒนาบัณฑิตศึกษา สำนักงานการวิจัยแห่งชาติ (วช.) กระทรวงการอุดมศึกษา วิทยาศาสตร์ วิจัยและนวัตกรรม
งบประมาณสนับสนุนการทำวิทยานิพนธ์ระดับปริญญาโท (งบประมาณไม่เกิน 150,000 บาท) และปริญญาเอก (งบประมาณไม่เกิน 300,000 บาท) โดยเปิดรับสมัครขอรับทุนปีละ 1 ครั้ง ช่วงเดือนพฤศจิกายน - ธันวาคม ของทุกปี สามารถติดตามข่าวสารการเปิดรับสมัครได้ที่
โครงการปริญญาเอกกาญจนาภิเษก (คปก.) สำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุนการวิจัย